Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") governs all aspects of how Matei's Web Engine LTD. ("Matei's Web Engine LTD.", "We", "Us") collects, uses, maintains and discloses personal information from all users ("Users", "You" or "Your") of this website.

Matei's Web Engine LTD. values Your Privacy

Matei's Web Engine LTD. is committed to protecting the confidentially of all information entrusted to it by Users. Matei's Web Engine LTD. has prepared this Policy to inform Users of our policy and practices concerning the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information.

Personal Information that Matei's Web Engine LTD. collects.

Matei's Web Engine LTD., from time-to-time, may collect personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") from Users. This includes name, address, phone numbers, email addresses that You provide, information collected electronically about how You use our website (e.g. by tracking the number of unique pageviews received by the pages of the website) or via cookies. "Cookies" are files or pieces of information that may be stored in Your computer's hard drive when You visit our website. Cookies are also used to remember that You may have already provided Personal Information to Us and as a result, they help speed up Your future activities when accessing our website. The cookies are persistent cookies and reside on the Your Internet browser for three (3) months. Matei's Web Engine LTD. does not share Personal Information obtained through cookies with any third parties.

Most Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If You do not wish to accept cookies, You can set Your Internet browser to refuse cookies or to alert You when cookies are being sent.

In some instances, You may have received a unique client ID and created a password in order to use the secure portions of this website. You are requested not to divulge Your client ID or password to anyone other than Matei's Web Engine LTD. personnel and then only for the purpose of permitting them to provide service to You.

In addition to Personal Information You provide and cookies, Matei's Web Engine LTD. may collect other information about Your visits to our website. For example, We may collect information about Your computer, such as Your IP address (a number assigned to Your computer whenever You surf the World Wide Web); the type of Internet browser You are using; the type of computer operating system You are using; or the domain name of the website from which You linked to our website. This information will not be linked to Your Personal Information and will only be collected in the aggregate in connection with all the Users of our website for planning, forecasting and/or evaluation purposes.

Please note that this Policy does not cover aggregated data from which the identity of an individual cannot be determined. Matei's Web Engine LTD. retains the right to use aggregated data in any way that it determines appropriate.

Matei's Web Engine LTD. has no control over the content of third party websites that may be identified on the Matei's Web Engine LTD. website or, if applicable, accessed through hyperlinks.

Your Consent

Your provision of Personal Information to Matei's Web Engine LTD. means that You agree and consent that Matei's Web Engine LTD. may collect, use and disclose Your Personal Information in accordance with this Policy. If You do not agree with these terms, You are requested not to provide any Personal Information to Matei's Web Engine LTD.. Certain services can only be offered if You provide Personal Information to Matei's Web Engine LTD.. Consequently, if You choose not to provide Us with any required Personal Information, Matei's Web Engine LTD. may not be able to offer You certain services.

If You do not wish to receive information regarding the products and services offered by Matei's Web Engine LTD. and its trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners please send an email to the person indicated at the end of this Policy.

How Matei's Web Engine LTD. uses Personal Information

Matei's Web Engine LTD. may, from time-to-time, use Personal Information collected through this website to: (i) provide Users with a product or service that has been requested; (ii) contact Users directly regarding products and services offered by Matei's Web Engine LTD. and its trusted affiliates and partners; (iii) understand User preferences in order to enhance Users' experience with Matei's Web Engine LTD. and such affiliates and partners; and (iv) research the effectiveness of the website and the marketing, advertising and sales efforts of Matei's Web Engine LTD., its trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners.

Matei's Web Engine LTD.'s use of Personal Information is limited to these purposes. Unless permitted by law, no Personal Information about a User is collected, without first obtaining the consent of the individual to the collection, use and dissemination of that information.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Matei's Web Engine LTD. will use all information collected from their Users for internal purposes only. Matei's Web Engine LTD. may disclose Personal Information of Users to organizations that perform services on behalf of Matei's Web Engine LTD. ("Service Providers"). Personal Information will only be provided to Service Providers if they agree to use such information solely for the purposes of providing services to Matei's Web Engine LTD. and under the instruction of Matei's Web Engine LTD. and, with respect to that information, to act in a manner consistent with the relevant principles articulated in this Policy. However, Matei's Web Engine LTD. bears no responsibility for any other use of such Personal Information by the Service Providers.

In some situations, Matei's Web Engine LTD. may also disclose Personal Information of Users to organizations that may be partners in promotional activities ("Promotional Partners"). In such instances, this will only be done if our Promotional Partners agree to use such information solely for the specific, proposed promotional activity and in accordance with this Policy. Information provided by a Promotional Partner to Matei's Web Engine LTD. will be treated in accordance with this Policy. However, Matei's Web Engine LTD. bears no responsibility for any other use of such Personal Information by that Promotional Partner.

Please note that there are circumstances where the use or disclosure of Personal Information may be justified or permitted or where Matei's Web Engine LTD. is obliged to disclose information without consent. Such circumstances may include:

Where obliged or permitted to disclose information without consent, Matei's Web Engine LTD. will not disclose more information than is required. Matei's Web Engine LTD. does not sell or otherwise disclose to third parties any Personal Information that it has obtained.

Maintenance and Security of Personal Information

Matei's Web Engine LTD. retains Personal Information about Users as long as Matei's Web Engine LTD. believes it is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. Currently, Matei's Web Engine LTD. holds the Personal Information in the City of Toronto. Personal Information about Users that is maintained on our systems is protected using industry standard security measures. However, We cannot guarantee that the information submitted to, maintained on, or transmitted from our systems will be completely secure and transmission of information over the Internet is susceptible to possible loss, misrouting, interception and misuse.

Access to Personal Information

Matei's Web Engine LTD. provides individuals with access to Personal Information held about them.

If an individual believes that their Personal Information of file is not correct, they may request an update of that information by sending a request to the person indicated below. Matei's Web Engine LTD. reserves the right not to change any Personal Information but will append any alternative text the individual concerned believes appropriate. An individual may also request that Matei's Web Engine LTD. delete an individual's Personal Information from Matei's Web Engine LTD.'s system and records. However, due to technical constraints and the fact that Matei's Web Engine LTD. backs up its systems, Personal Information may continue to reside in Matei's Web Engine LTD.'s systems after deletion. Individuals, therefore, should not expect that their Personal Information would be completely removed from Matei's Web Engine LTD.'s systems in response to an accepted request for deletion.

Matei's Web Engine LTD. reserves the right to decline access to Personal Information where the information requested:

a) Would disclose the Personal Information of another individual or of a deceased individual;

b) Would disclose business confidential information that may harm Matei's Web Engine LTD. or the competitive position of a third party;

c) Is subject to solicitor-client or litigation privilege;

d) Could reasonably result in:

i) serious harm to the treatment or recovery of the individual concerned;
ii) serious emotional harm to the individual or another individual; or
iii) serious bodily harm to another individual;

e) May harm or interfere with law enforcement activities and other investigative or regulatory functions of a body authorized by statute to perform such functions;

f) Is not readily retrievable and the burden or cost of providing would be disproportionate to the nature or value of the information; or

g) Does not exist, is not held, or cannot be found by Matei's Web Engine LTD..

Where information will not or cannot be disclosed, the individual making the request will be provided with the reasons for non-disclosure. Where information will be disclosed, Matei's Web Engine LTD. will endeavour to provide the information in question within a reasonable time and no later than thirty (30) days following the request.

Matei's Web Engine LTD. will not respond to repetitious or vexatious requests for access. In determining whether a request is repetitious or vexatious, Matei's Web Engine LTD. will consider such factors as the frequency with which information is updated, the purpose for which the information is used, and the nature of the information.

To guard against fraudulent requests for access, Matei's Web Engine LTD. will require sufficient information to allow it to confirm the identity of the person making the request before granting access or making corrections.

Amendment of Matei's Web Engine LTD. practices and this Policy

This statement is in effect and was last revised as of March 10th, 2018. Matei's Web Engine LTD. will from time to time review and revise its privacy practices and this Policy. In the event of any amendment, an appropriate notice will be posted on this website. Policy changes will apply to the information collected from the date of posting of the revised Policy to Matei's Web Engine LTD.'s website as well as to existing information held by Matei's Web Engine LTD.


If You have any questions about the privacy practices of Matei's Web Engine LTD., or You wish to access Your Personal Information, please contact:

Matei's Web Engine LTD. Email:
5863 Leslie St. Suite 807
Toronto, ON